

At Lakey Lane we want our pupils to be MASTERS of technology.  

Our aim is for all of our children to be exposed to a high-quality computing education which ensures that the curriculum is both exciting and informative and prepares children for a technological future world. We believe the Computing Curriculum is not an isolated subject but one that is an integral part of all learning. To ensure coverage (building on prior learning) and progression from Early Years to Year 6 we follow the Purple Mash Computing Scheme of work. This is taught through a series of units focusing on digital literacy, computer science and information technology and provides our children with a broad and balanced curriculum that is challenging as well as engaging.

We aim to deliver our curriculum through 3 key drivers and our 6 school values which underpin our children’s learning.

Aspiration- It is important to us that our pupils are given a thorough, relevant and ambitious computing education. We want them to understand how to use the ever-changing digital world to express themselves, as tools for learning and as a means to drive their generation forward to become ‘thinkers of the future’. 

Citizenship- Technology is everywhere and will play a pivotal part in students' lives. Our intent, is to model and educate our pupils on how to use technology positively and safely to become responsible citizens. As a school, we utilise technology to model positive use. We recognise that the best prevention for a lot of issues we currently see with technology/social media is through education.  

Equality- At Lakey Lane, we ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs or backgrounds make the best possible progress. We recognise that every child is entitled to a quality of provision that will enable them to achieve their potential in computing. We encourage staff to embed computing across the whole curriculum to make learning creative and accessible for everyone. Our intent is for ALL children to develop a love of computing and to have independence and confidence within this subject. 

Ambition – to challenge our children’s digital thinking and encourage them to use technology creatively and safely. To develop problem solving skills which can be applied in all aspects of life. To offer the children opportunities to have new experiences that are beyond their every day life and inspire them to reach their full potential.

Self-belief – Through debugging exercises and problem-solving activities, our curriculum promotes perseverance and resilience and a ‘can do’ attitude that our children can apply throughout their future endeavours. To be sensible, polite and respectful users of technology and to have the confidence to know what to do should they encounter anything inappropriate.

Community – To be respectful when participating in any online community. To have a sound understanding of what it means to be an effective user of technology in the wider world and prepare them for a digital life. To ensure all of our children have the same online opportunities by providing them with the means to access different modes of technology in school. To be given opportunities within the Lakey Computing community by attending E.Safety club and Computing club.

Respect –To be responsible and respectful users of all online technology, treating others as they would in the real world and communicate accordingly. To have an understanding of the value of technology. To develop an understanding of privacy and passwords; how it enables users to stay safe and protected and how and why it must be upheld.  

Curiosity –To develop children’s ability to enquire and ask questions through searches, research tasks and problem-solving. To expand and develop their thinking so they begin to ask why things work the way they do, e.g. algorithms within a computer program. To give them access to the world around them and encourage them to ask questions.

Kindness – to be compassionate towards other users’ digital activities. To make a positive online contribution considering the impact on their digital footprint.



Our Computing curriculum is ambitious, engaging and is planned to demonstrate progression as it builds on prior knowledge with National Curriculum objectives being revisited and embedded as the children move through the key stages.

We focus on progression of knowledge, skills and vocabulary whilst developing the children’s understanding of Computer Science, Digital Literacy, Information Technology and Online Safety. Our challenging curriculum promotes resilience and is designed to spark a curiosity of the wider world around them – both real and digital. It provides pupils with a foundation for the use of technology in their every day lives.

To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in Computing, at Lakey we implement a curriculum that is progressive from Early Years through to the end of Key Stage 2 as it builds upon prior knowledge and lays the foundations for continued computational thinking as our children move to secondary school. We provide a range of learning experiences, which consist of cross-curricular links, to provide a rich and purposeful context for learning.

Lakey Lane Primary School have adopted the ‘Purple Mash’ scheme of Computing teaching to ensure coverage and progression and to ensure delivery of the key elements of digital learning. Our curriculum is designed to encourage positive online behaviour through active participation in weekly sessions. It allows children to develop strong computational thinking skills, gain understanding of computer science principles and become confident and competent users of digital technologies.

From Early Years to Year 6 Computing is taught for 40 minutes every week by the class teacher. These lessons are predominantly taught in the computer room on desk top computers but we provide further opportunities for pupils to utilise a range of digital devices including laptops and ipads.

●Detailed lesson structure is provided through the Purple Mash scheme of work and ensures progression of knowledge and skills.
● Staff are asked to save examples of evidence in the form of screen shots or completed activities at the end of every unit in a central folder.
●Every academic year begins with an online safety unit to ensure positive online behaviour and safe practice when using the internet. Children are made aware of the importance of keeping their personal information private and secure, dealing with cyber bullying effectively and how to report any concerns when using online platforms. Online Safety objectives are interwoven through all other units of work so are constantly embedded and reviewed throughout the year. Children also take part in National Internet Safety Day each February.

For each unit of work there is a corresponding vocabulary overview which is shared with children at the start of every lesson so that they are familiar with the appropriate terminology and their meanings. This also provides children with the opportunity to review recent prior learning.

For foundation stage children in Nursery and Reception there are many opportunities for digital exploration built in to each half term's project and we are currently incorporating the Purple Mash Early Years Computing Skills into Reception's projects. This will focus on developing the foundations of computing skills in early years that will give children a sound basis to explore topics using technology and to be ready for progressing through the Computing curriculum. Familiarity with some of these skills will reduce the cognitive load on children in future learning and enable them to make progress more rapidly.

There is an amended version of Purple Mash called Mini Mash that they also have access too which builds key computing skills such as mouse work.

E-safety objectives are delivered through Purple Mash in a discreet unit at the start of every academic year and they are woven through all the other units and continually referred to and revisited.  A weekly E-Safety club is run by our Assistant Head Teacher with a group of ‘E-Safety Warriors’ who have been trained to advise and support children in Key Stage 2 with any e-safety concerns they have. An 'Internet Safety Worry Box' is located in the computer suite for children to access with the computing lead checking it regularly.

As well as the children, we provide our parents with many opportunities throughout the year to develop their computing skills; ranging from beginner courses to internet safety workshops. On top of this, children are given their Purple Mash logins so that parents have the opportunity to explore Purple Mash with their children at home.


Children are expected to make progress that is good or better. They will be confident users of technology both at home and at school and will be able to use digital systems to accomplish a wide range of tasks.

They will be aware of the vulnerabilities of using online technologies and digital systems and have a knowledge of what to do should they encounter these.

Through it’s promotion within our values and drivers, children will be able to apply the British values of mutual respect and tolerance, democracy, the rule of law and liberty when using any technology.

 We regularly evaluate the effectiveness of our curriculum and use feedback to inform future developments. As such, we are currently developing our use of assessment tools. 

We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

  • Pupils’ reflections and verbal discussions about their learning; evaluations at the end of each unit to assess their own development as well as pupil interviews with school leaders.
  • Pupils report that they enjoy Computing lessons, they enjoy being challenged and seeing digital representations of their ideas and find it engaging as it
  • Safety club is well attended and we are currently looking at extending our digital club provision.

Contact Us

Lakey Lane Primary School
Lakey Lane
B28 8RY

Phone: 0121 464 1990



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